Essential Oil Evening Primrose

Evening primrose oil is derived from the seeds of the flowers native to North America. This plant is commonly used to treat hemorrhoids, bruises, sore throats and digestive problems. Evening primrose oil is extremely high in omega 6 fatty acids which greatly helps in reducing the risk of hearth disease, by lowering the bad cholesterol LDL and raising the good cholesterol HDL. Evening primrose oil has other assets which may be beneficial to you. Helps clear up acne Eases Eczema Improves overall skin health Relieves PMS symptoms Helps minimize breast pain during period Reduces Hot Flashes Reduces High blood pressure...
Organic Greens at Apex Nutrition

At Apex Nutrition Supplement Store, we provide a variety of green products, some contain different energy boosting for performance, some contain denser greens and some green products are mixed with berries for extra antioxidant and many more. Green products are not considered a replacement for fruit and vegetables, but they are a perfect add-on if you are not consuming your daily intake in fruits and vegetables. Only 1 percent of men and 4 percent of women ages 18 to 24 consume their recommended 5 serving (or more) of fruits and vegetables each day. And people 25 to 34 , those...

Wheatgrass is the latest popular ingredient to enter the spotlight in the world, appearing everywhere from juice bars to health food & supplement stores. There are many fascinating reasons why Wheatgrass is gaining so much popularity, it has various health benefits. Wheatgrass is highly dense in nutrients and antioxidants; it is an excellent choice for many different vitamins and minerals, high in vitamin A,C and E as well as iron, magnesium, calcium and amino acids Whatgrass is known to reduce cholesterol and is commonly used to treat high blood pressure Helps kill cancer thanks to its high antioxidants levels....

Having problems quitting your addictions? At Apex Nutrition Health Store, we provide variety of herbs, plants and supplements that can aid in combating addictions, one of our top addiction fighter is Barley grass. Barley grass has been known as an addiction fighter regarding alcohol, coffee, nicotine, drugs, and even sugary sweets due to its high presence of glutamic acid. Barley grass is also a detoxifier, having an abundance of chlorophyll, beta-carottene, zinc, selenium and copper that helps in getting rid of harmful waste and toxins in your body. On top of its wonderful benefits, Barley grass is very...

Moringa is loaded with over 90 phytonutrients including protein. As a high protein food and a rich source of the amino acid tryptophan, Moringa benefits neurotransmitter functions, including those that produce the “feel good” hormone serotonin. Its also called “Miracle Leaf,” due to its anti inflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and antiviral compounds. Moringa is also rich in antioxidants and compounds that improve thyroid health, which makes it beneficial for maintaining high energy levels plus fighting fatigue, depression, low libido, moods swings and insomnia. Moringa has the ability to treat many conditions such as: Inflammation-related diseases Cancer Diabetes Anemia Arthritis and...